Wednesday, August 26, 2009

kemarahan~~~ak x pnh mrarah org sampai mcm nieyh!!!!

working part of my life now..

no more student..

now everything is different...

but im still oat..remember..

proud to be a OATian so much..


after all the babi babi things!!!! happened kat opis..

sumpah ak rase dah xnk masuk opis...bukan sbb ak give up..but my supervisor very the babi...xtau nk describe die cmne??klo die bole jd babi dielah babi yg plg sial!!!!

dah lah muke cm beruk..stakat muke cm die pergai cm babi...bukan kate pempuan jantan pon xnk...ak mmg suke pggl die babi!!!ak x rase ad org pnh buat ak marah n sesdih si babi nieyh mmg hebat!!!!

1st ak msk...

ak harapkan die ajar ak sbgai intern pye budak..
tp tidak he never teach all..thank to OAt sbb byk ajar ak..ak byk apply ape pglman ak kat oat..everything ak blaja..klo nk tau ape yg die lupe buat sume ak MIDA 70% ak yg buat..

2nd ak mengahrapkan kerja dri si babi tuh..sbb ak jeles kwn2 ak nye keje byk knape ak x..(kwn2 UNISEL)

reason ak bukan x nk bg tp ak tau ko x bole buat...nieyh ayat plg babi!!!ko bg ak try buat dlu bru lah ko ckp babi!!!ko buat ak tercongok kat opis xde keje..ko hangat ak suke ke babi!!!pastu capt tye ak ema ape ko buat...ak nk jwb per babi!!!xde pape capt..cmtuh??sial pye manger..ko mmg x layak jd manger ko tau..sazwan = babi!!!umur 24 nk jd manger stakat diploma..hello~~~bole je klo ak nk ludah muke sbb ak ad skt je lg respect kat ko babi!!!

3rd ko x pnh tegur ak buat ko cerita jaja kat org ape kslahna ak...

ko cite kat sume today ape ko x puas hati dgn kerja ak..yg ko tgr o x puas hati sgt adlah out of work pye mettes..mmg lah kne skt but then klo ko nk judge o evaluate ak berdasar kan bende2 nieyh mmg lah babi!!!disebabkan ak x byk kerje ak igt segala detail nye kerje yg ko bg kat ak...sume nye ak buat dgn bersungguh2 sehinggakan ak tgkap gamba pon org puji..ko x pnh cite kat capt sape yg tgkap..ape yg ak buat bgs ko x pnh cite kat capt..yg ko cite ape yg ko x puas hati..tu lah yg mawi benggang gler babi kat ko termasuklah kak mie n hazrenn..sbb mmg ko babi!!!mawi byk tgr ak..ak xpnh mara kat mawi..die tgr ak mcm tuh mcm nieyh..comeon marketing tibe2 msk shipping..mmg x ar..

4rd ko slalu pandang rendah kat ak..

ko soh ak buat mcm bende bodoh..yg ko sendri pon x tau..pasal international safety ape ntah..mawi sendri ckp die yg wat crewing CPOC n man power supply pon x tau bnede2 mcm nieyh..ko dah x tau ko mmg pass kat ak keje kan babi!!!ko xtau pasal account ko trus bg kat ak mah ko check n bgtau ak pe ko fhm...kan babi ayat tuh...bende tuh hazreen dah ajr ko buat..ko x phm2 jgk..ko mmg babi yg lembab~~byk lah kerje last minit yg ak dah tlg ko buat tp ko x leh nk perform..ko pass kan..pandai pastuh ak lah dok terkontng kanting phmkan..siap kne mara dgn department account...ko mmg babi!!!

dah lalh byk sgt lah babi ko dah buat kat ak...seumur hidup ak..ak x pnh mara org mcm nieyh..ko dah jth maruah ak giler babi dgn si silvia babi...

waktu die dtg ko bukanye main berlagak silvia tuh dtg2 je nk mara ak knape ak postpone last weeek nye presentation...ko bukan main x backup ak..padehal ko yg bg ak arahan tuh kan..ko bole diam n stuju je ape babi betina tuh ckpkan...ak hengat lg ape ko ckp "mah presentation ko tggh sbb ko demam capt xnk ko msk opis" ak pon ckp trus ngan miss babi babi tuh x reply cll x angkat..yg best nye die leh ckp lg u never cll me..u cancel last minit..ak cll x angkat thn ko ckp mcm tuh..

byklah lg yg berlaku...waktu present not a good o briliant student!!!i noe that but im not dat stupid babi!!sial!!anak haram!!ko pon stakat diploma..budak oat buat kerja lg baiklah!!!kerja simple buat sampe berbulan2..bodoh!!!

sebut je name ko buat ak nk mara je..xpnh tnglah hati ak nieyh..lg pnjg ak cite lg byk ko dpt pahahla..

mawi slalu mara ko...ko klo bab belagak no 1 buat keje lembab..capt pon ckp..ko suke belagak.hebat lah syazwan..manager muda 24 diploma in ape ntah..kolej ape ntah..hebatlah ko babi!!!!umur 24 pkai wira as manager of departmnt TEC (training education and consultancy)

ko dah buat ak mngs giler babi!!!

one day...

ko tunggu ak dtg kat ko!!!

ak nk tgk sape yg mngs...

waktu tuh ko tau lah tinggi mane lgt tuh..



one day tunggu i give u a real shit!!!!

what u give u get it back!!!!!


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