it feel like ur heart.................................................??????
im back!!!!
after all...
i realize that all i need are only love...becoz im in love with someone...i try to buang but thn..i cant..just such a loser!!!i noe...dont mention it again...
about my older n younger brother my cousin n my older sister my brother in law n of koz my friends n my besties knws n OATian what goin on between me n dotdot..(cheh dotdot katernye..)and mybe for the next will be my lovely mother..hui~~menghadap!!
i dint say that dorg support me!!!i noe...they trying so hard to not let me down...
thnks for that...
but now i puas n really puas that all my major people are taw what is goin on...what i do..what i feel n what i need..(mybe i give them a big shock!!!that y dorg spechless...)
i try to solve all this thing..i trying so hard to accept that we are born not to be 2geter..its really hurt me so much!!!! just like syazwan si babi tuh come and says bodoh!!!n tikam me with the sepanar kate buruk die bertubi2....wowwwww~~~really good exmple...i like!!!
anything will happend is the god decision...god try to tech me yg sgtlah pandai nieyh!!!but thn with a full of sabar yg die ad..i think that god can tech me 100% well rather thn wan..(obviously!!!)
i dnt know wht god trying to do o trying to prove..mybe this is my path..thnks a lot, i feel like im the one human being born with full of specialitise ( god given..superman..)..god always with me..really hope!!!!hmm bukan tuhan mmg slalu ngan umatnyelah slalu gak ngan ak kan...
korg kne igt!!!

ak bukanlah superman
ak juga bisa mngs
jika kekasih ku pergi meninggalkan ku...
ak try hadapi bende nieyh tanpe menyusahkan sesiape....
thnks a lot not to let me down...
i love u with full of my life..
*all the love things we made cant never be replace..
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