Wednesday, October 27, 2010


mohd ashraf naim

derr lu ad kakak dr love bkn nk gne..

perempaun x seindah yg digambarkan..
ak perempuan so ak tau..

hidup atas diri sendri..
hidup dgn org yg menghargai siape ko..
hidup dgn harga diri..

ko adik ak..
hensem x jugak tp manis tu ad ar..

mmg org kate bende dah syg..
but y its take so long..

shasha ad sbgai ganti but y alwys tino berukk tuh~???

as i knw..yes sara johanna mmg perempuan melayu terakhir..
klo bercakap sayup2 je perghh dengar cair ak pon terpegun jap..sara pon spechless..lembut nak mampus..sopan santun exectly x mcm kelly n kelly n masha buat ape kat ko..die appreciate ko more thn sara!!!

the question is

until when??
ak tau sakit ap..
ak ase ape ko ase..
mungkin x same ap ak rase..
we have to try ap..
everyone move on..
make a move..

we have to try..
ak x ckp sng tp we have too...
jgn tunggu bende yg mustahil..

ssh mcmne pon we have to try..
arm afiq ad..dorg still ad ngn ko..
ak,ijat,aus,hazreen..sume ad..

tp ak tau bende nieyh yg mematangkan ko..
im glad ko ase bende nieyh..walaupon almost 3 4 years ago cerita ko ngn sara..

she dont deserve u..
u deserve better..
biar karma yg ajar die..
bukan ko...

dendam???sakit hati???
x tenang hidup ko..
let it go ..let it be..

x kesah seslow mane ko least ko try..

be a man bro..

ak sedih ko mcm nieyh..

cibai giler budak tuh~!
she dont deserve u!!!at all!!

ak ad untuk ko share!!!
ak tau ssh...bahu ak ad tok ko limit time..
ak xnk sara buat ko cmtuh ag..
sedih ak..

malu doe terhegeh2..

plss ase penat..
plss ase give up..
pls ase fed up..

sekali nieyh je ap..

ko wasted ur time before..
ak xnk ko buat bende g sama sekarang!!

ak hidup ag..
ak janji jaga ko..
sampai nafas ak terakhir *ayat nk gmpak itulah kenyataan..
ko amanah bg ak..
ak tau ak x sebaik mane..ko pon tau padehal..
but ak cuba ape yg ak mampu..

ak mngs pon kat bahu ko gak..

ak pernah dgr pepatah lelaki setia adlah lelaki yg berpegang pada cinta..
ak nk betulkan sikit je..

lalaki yg setia adlah lelaki yg berpegng pada cinta sempurna..
ngeh2 ngeh2..

dr love kuar dah~!


nice to knw u~!
dia pggl ko nenek ak xnk~!
ak pggl ko asli gunung..*cool kan name tuh..

ak xknl sape ko..
ak x pernah jumpe even sekali..

thnks sbb bayak dgr ak celoteh pasal die..
since ko je kenal sape die..
so bayak bende ak bole share ngn ko~
die xde ko byk ganti die..
ak lepaskan rindu ak kat ko..hahahhaha..
thnks ina..

ak suke ayat nieyh...korg gaduh ag kewh???korg nieyh x hbs2..

ko keep remaind me about her..

one moments ago....

ina: ima klo dia ad masalah ko nk tolong...

ina:klo die tye ko kat ak ape ak nk jawab...

klo itu..klo ini..bayak klo ko ina...
semua soklan yg tiada jawapan..

ko keep remind me about tht every time ak talk about nk let it go..

ko tunjuk ak sesuatu yg dia sendri x pernah nk terfikir..
you're a great friends of her..

die ad ape yg die ptt ad...

cup cop cip....
klo ko nak talk about ayan..
anytime!buzz ak..msg ak..
insyallah i'll be there..

p/s: thnks for being with me when i need her badly~!
tc of her for me..ak dpt merasekan we're not the same before..

our song~!

Sweetest sound of your breathe
and warmth that you give
dare me, your moments i would steal
cover up our moves with mist

Take my hands,
i'd teach you how to dance,
take my heart,
i'd teach you to break,

Remember the summer
late night talks,
we'll talk this thing over
until we forget how this thing has been hard

this song was awesome!!!

lyric by nennie trianna rosli
melody by joop arsat!!!

sgt cool!!!

remind me of .....:)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

jupri arsat

jooop ak ase ad lah dlm setahun setengah kt x jumpe..
kangan bangat same kamoo...

ak tetibe teringat kat gunung nuang..

kt naik..kat hammock ak baring kat kaki ko..
lame giler kot..sampai ak sedar kaki ko x kebas ke..
ko jwb xpe kaki ak x kesah klo sampai kaki ak putus pon xpe..

*ak konfius perli ke ape..but..ak rindu moment tuh..

ak hope ko dtg sini lame..
kt g naik gunung..
lepak mcd mkn kentang bebayak..

kangan bangat same kamoo joop...

Monday, October 25, 2010


x leyh tido...
Xleyh nak pejam mata..

Ak x tau ape exectly ak ase...
Busan hdp mcm nieyh???:)
Ape bende ntah...

ouh lupe ak nak mkn buah tembikai...sgt merah buah x best biji2 die besar..

Apsal bende yg best selalu ad je bende yg x best akn berlaku..
X bole ke jadikkan die best je..
X best betul...!!

bayak2 kenderaan..kenderaan ape yg bole buat gymnastic????

ape bende yg dlm hitam luar kuning...!!????

Ape yg luar cool dlm sakit!????

Ape bende yg ptt mati???

Ape bende yg plg pukimak????

Ape bende yg plg ak syg????

Ape bende yg sakit tp best????

ape bende yg ak plg suke time kecik2???

Ape bende yg ak nk skrg????
Jwb ima!!

Klo satu hari nnt tuhan kurniakan Sesuatu yg berharga...ape ptt ak buat???
Klo hari ini gdh esok ape????benci???
Klo sakit sekarang..lusa ape????gembira????
benci tanda ape????
Syg tandanya ape????

dlu ima suke skrg dah x dah...dlu ima suke mkn ais cream..skrg dah x dah....knape dlu n skrg kne berbeza...????

Ima get a life!!
jgn nk mimpi je...

Sy syg nen,bob,roro,wan,arep,adah,md, syg mereka..
Mereka syg syg sy jugak...

Ouh baby ak telah musnah...ouh syg ak telah jatuh...angkatlah ak!!

knape ak gemok?????.ish uncool!!ak nak kurus!!!ak nak kurus mcm tegan and sara...ak nak kurus...:)yeye ima kurus lepas nieyh...

bg masa pada diri...


ak nak g jakarta..ak nak g bandung cepat!!!!
ak nak dok sane lame2..




for those especially kwn2 ak..

ak syg korg..
ak tau korg pon syg ak
thnks for that..

but ad some thing korg xtau..korg x bole nak blame..

ak just mintak..
plss dont blame on her..
she have her own life..she have cookie monster..
die ad kwn2 die fmly die..
ad hati die perlu jaga..
mmg some part korg tgk ak skt..korg kesian..if korg kesian just support ak..dont ever2 blame on her..
ak tau ak perluakan korg bile ak down..
the reason ak xnk cerita pasal die kat korg pon sbb ak xnk korg salah faham..
im so sorry sbb ak bayak rahsiakan hal ni..

but korg x buta..
korg kdg2 nmpak ak skt..
xpyh ckp korg dah nampak..

for me dlm hal nieyh ak yg sala sbb ak yg nak get involve dlm life die..
ak disturb life die..
so ak yg sala..ak yg strt semua nye..ak yg sala..

die bahagia kan ak..korg kne igt tuh..

n now dah tibe die fikir life die..

for uh her

im sorry if i ad buat sala kat u buat u sakit hati,buat u menyampah,buat u geram,buat u benci,buat u ase nak sepak terajang i..
ape yg i bole ckp sorry..mybe x ckp dgn ape yg u lalaui skrg..

i xtau nak buat ape..
i x fhm u as ina fhm u..
u are right..i tot i fhm u..i knl u..rupe2 nye x..
i tot i org plg cool,upenye2 x..
sorry for that..
i bkn kwn ygbaik bg u..

mybe this is the best way for us..

ape yg u rase lain dgn ape yg i ase..
u anggap i lain ape yg i anggap u..

sorry u..

i x mampu nak jadi kwn u..
terlalu bayak dugaan die u..i x kuat ag..
i try but i still x mampu..

sorry if u ad terase ngn kwn2 i..dorg x mpk ape yg berlaku..
sorry untuk semuanye..
i xnk letak u dlm situasi ditelan mati mak..diluah mati bapak..
so let it be je..

thks sbb syg i k..


Saturday, October 16, 2010


~happy birthday adah~

kt just nak kak adah tau yg kt syg k.adah~!

supposely ak berada di bora ombak untuk meraikan birthday akak adah sy,
hanya kerana alasan berkerja sy x dpt hadir..

kak adah sorry sgt2..

dah lah x dtg..+x msg kak ada..

menyesal sgt rasenye..
padehal dah siap2 bawak bju letak dlm beg..
akhirnye x pg jugak~!

mmg balik lambat dlm pukul 9 20 bru sampai shah alam..trus g stadium..
+cousin2 bising soh join dorg tgk bola kat stadium..terpaksa lah ikut..itu on dah nak msk second half..
da lah selangor kalah teruk!!geram~!

kt msg bob n nen
dorg x mereply..
instinct kuat merasekan dorg mara..

lglah rase menyesal..nak ngs pon ad..
sorry sgt2 kak adah..
dpt lg msg kak adah..lg lah mmg mentes2 air mata sy~!

argghhh sedih + menyesal + nak ngs + mmg xde mood..

kak adah im sossosososo sorryyyy~!

sgt menyesal..

sorry kak adah

p/s:wahai kwn2 sy mintak maaf if ini nampak seperti sy x mampu lg untuk menyusahkan kamo2..n to kak adah..sorry sgt2 sbb x attend~!
insyallah ad rezeki hadiah taun depan sy kasi :p..

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

last saturday...last open house..and last n last~!

bear & bearies berjuang untuk makan..

for the first time mkn bayak nak mampos...

sampai nak muntah..

uma zan
uma khai
uma syaz..

..happy day..

~perfect me~
love them

birthday saya

as usual..

ak yakin bear & bearies akn mengadakan sesi makan beramai2..

happy day's subang taipan..

almost semua ahli bear n bearies terlibat~!


bob,nen,mea,roro,arep,din,kerol,fara n wan..

thnks sbb buat surprise mlm tuh..

sorry korg agak kecewa dgn expression ak..
im so sorry..

pada moment tuh..satu je ak mintak..
ak xnk hilang korg dlm hidup ak..

at first ak x expect korg akn buat surprise sampai mcm nieyh sekali..
ak mintak maaf mlm tuh yg ak rase malu je..

korg terlalu give..and ak terlalu take..sampai ak x mampu nak trime hadiah korg bg..

sumpah ak malu..
sampai buat korg kecewa ngn espresi muke ak..

thnks aload korg..

ak syg korg bayak..

thnks for the wallet
n thnks for baju..

and the most thnks ever
flight ticket g jakarta..

hadiah korg terlalu besar untuk ak trime..

ak bangga ak jadi bear & bearies..

thnks sbb selame nieyh support ak..
ak terlalu terharu sampai x terluah..

tuhan je tau bertapa ak syg korg..
tuhan je tau bertapa penting korg dlm hidup ak..

thnks sbb sentiase dgn ak..

with love

p/s:love them so much...korg xde ganti dlm hidup ak..

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


When I saw u I was afraid to meet u.

When I met u I was afraid to hug u.

When I hug u I was afraid to love u.

Now that I love u!

I am afraid to lose u...

i hate u!


i knw

Meeting you was fate,

becoming your friend was my choice



falling in love with u I had no control...

yam sui ling..:)

some how i wish i could be another fingers to fill the spaces between your fingers were created..


we're just friends..


They say loving you gives pains and full of sacrifices But I'll rather take pains and lots of sacrifices than not to be love by u..


If you need me, let me know oke!!!!

If not, please let me go!!!!


we're given Two hands to hold. To legs to walk. Two eyes to see. Two ears to listen. But why only one heart? Because the other was given to someone else.

Monday, October 4, 2010

uh her

Yes i can..

however far u fly
i will be there..



it was not into my ear u whispered.
but..into my heart..
it was not my lips u kissed..
but my soul

-judy barland-


the only way to have friends is to be one

-ralph valdo emerson-


u may forget what they said,
but u will never forget how they made u feel..

-Carl W-


there are some people who live in dream world
and there are some who face reality
and then
there are those who turn one into the others..

the happiest of people dont necessarily have the best of everythings
they just make the most everythings that comes along their way ..



Tak semua kau rencanakan berlaku
mungkin nasib tak menyebelahi aku
entah mengapa
engkau yg aku cinta
mungkin lebih baik
kau kulepas saja
oh ini tidak adil
tidak adil baginya
oh ini tidak adil
tidak adil bagi ku
oh ini tidak adil utk
kau bertanya cintaku
mencintaimu juga
tidak adil, tidak adil baginya
tak semua kau rencanakan berlaku
mungkin nasib tak menyebelahi aku
entah mengapa
engkau yg aku cinta
mungkin lebih baik kau
kulepas saja
oh ini tidak adil, tidak adil baginya
oh ini tidak adil, tidak adil bagiku
oh ini tidak adil utk engkau bertanya cintaku
mencintaimu juga bukan milikku
dan aku memang penakut
mengakui cinta kepadamu
seribu kali kucuba
bila bersamamu
kau bukan milikku
dan engkau pun tahu